NDIS MTA to support a car accident survivor facing life with a newly acquired disability

Image of Jacob, a young man with left leg amputation. Jacob is standing by the swimming pool with his towel.

NDIS Medium Term Accommodation to support a car accident survivor facing a newly acquired disability 

Who: Jacob (28 years old, car accident survivor with leg amputation and severe organ damage)  
Stay type: Rapid hospital discharge NDIS-funded MTA while awaiting home modifications
Location: MediStays @ Brisbane One Bedroom Medium Term Accommodation Apartment

About Jacob:

Following a serious car accident, 28-year old Jacob was airlifted by emergency helicopter to Brisbane. 

Although Jacob survived the crash, his left leg was amputated and he experienced severe internal organ damage. Following four months in hospital and six long months in rehabilitation, Jacob was informed he would need to move into a residential aged care home.

“My Nan lived in an aged care home. I just couldn’t imagine being surrounded by Nan and her friends all day. I had been so active. My injuries wrecked my life but the thought of living with old people…I just couldn’t go on” shared Jacob. 

I also knew how much I wanted to get out of hospital. And I couldn’t return back home until some changes had been made, including a renovation to my bathroom.

Jacob’s Hospital Discharge plan:

Fortunately, Jacob’s sister learnt about MediStays and asked his hospital team to make a referral for NDIS Medium Term Accommodation

“MediStays changed my life!”

– Jacob, Amputee requiring wheelchair accessible accommodation

“Here I was with no options, until MediStays came straight back with a wheelchair accessible apartment for me”. 

The apartment was fully furnished and had space for my chair and other assistive tech. It was near the shops and a gym, and I began to realise I could get some independence back. I was so determined to make the most of this opportunity” said Jacob.

He continued “When I moved in, I was no longer being woken up in the ward at 5am. When my sleep improved, my pain was better, I actually reduced my meds and my rehab improved”.

The Hospital Discharge Referral process

When Jacob’s referral was received by MediStays Care Navigators, it was immediately clear that we had excellent options to support Jacob’s primary goal of achieving independence.

“I spoke to Jacob in hospital, and while he understood the transition from hospital as an amputee was significant, he was fiercely determined to gain back his independence. 

I was so thrilled to give Jacob options that were fully wheelchair accessible and within close proximity to his community of shops, the gym and allied health.”.  

– Melissa, Head of Care Navigation MediStays

MediStays Availability in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth (and other locations on request) 

If you are a Support Coordinator, or a hospital-based Social Worker or Occupational Therapist who is looking for a similar MTA environment to support your patients to successfully transition from hospital, please contact our Care Navigators.  

Our team find the best solutions for your participants and their individual needs.  

Make a MTA request today using our MTA Rapid Request form or call our Care Navigators on 1300 085 036.   

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