Albert’s Story: Capacity-Building NDIS MTA with Bayley House


Photo: Caitlyn and Albert.

Recovering from a stroke and making progress towards more independence

Albert (Australian Korean – bilingual, aged 47)
Stay type: Transition from hospital to Bayley Stays MTA
Location: Lonsdale service by Bayley House

About Albert:

Our long-term referrers at Monash Health referred Albert to MediStays to support his discharge back into the community. Albert had been admitted to hospital 12 months earlier, following a severe stroke. This led to a range of challenges for Albert and his long-term rehabilitation, including learning to walk and talk again. Albert also lost his interest and ability to eat during his hospital stay. Albert’s discharge was approved for NDIS funded Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) until his permanent move to SDA housing.

NDIS Plan Goals for Albert’s Hospital Discharge

Upon receiving Albert’s referral, MediStays experienced Care Navigator team undertook a thorough review of Albert’s referral and funding documentation. Led by our Care Navigator Angela, this detailed process included a comprehensive review of Albert’s requirements and alignment with the accessibility audit MediStays Supply team had undertaken for Bayley House. Angela also knew the highly trained team of onsite support workers to support Albert’s complex care needs. This option was presented to Albert and he happily agreed – especially when he learnt his pet cat could come to visit! 

On being discharged from hospital, Albert developed NDIS Plan goals with his support team and a plan was put in place to make progress on these goals during his Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) stay. 

The overall goal for Albert is to improve his physical health. Long term, Albert is on track to develop enough core strength to sit up unassisted and walk around the block. Other aspects of his NDIS Plan goals include overall improvements with his mobility and willingness to communicate. 

“Our team of Care Navigators are highly experienced in the complexities of supporting NDIS participants to safely discharge from hospital.

Our review of Albert’s referral included his physical accessibility. I had every confidence in aligning Albert’s individual requirements with the comprehensive accessibility report our Supply Team undertook for Bayley House and to share this with the Monash team.

As a cat lover, I was also thrilled that Bayley House could delight Albert with visits from his best friend.”

– Angela, Care Navigator, MediStays.

Eight weeks into Albert’s MTA Stay at Bayley House

We connected again with the Bayley House team eight weeks into Albert’s stay. His progress so far has been very positive!  

While he is an introvert and quiet by nature, Albert barely spoke at all on arrival. Now, his communication has improved, along with his willingness to engage in life.

Albert has increased in mobility and also his willingness to try food by mouth (something he wouldn’t do while in hospital).

Overall, in just eight weeks of a customised support and capacity building plan, Albert’s quality of life has greatly improved.

Albert’s transition from hospital to our Lonsdale service was remarkably smooth, with minimal hurdles. Now comfortably settled into Bayley Stays’ life, we’ve seen his increased willingness to explore new foods and engage in movement – a testament to the care of our team.”

– Astra Balzan, Operations Manager Home and Living Support at Bayley House.

Staff are uniquely trained for the Bayley House offering

Staff enjoy having Albert there and sharing his culture with them. In particular, the younger staff enjoy the same Korean anime shows and K-Pop music that Albert likes. So, it’s a great opportunity for engagement and capacity building.

Bayley House likes to approach it as: what is the rocking chair story for people when they come to Bayley House? What will be the lasting positive memories for each Medium-Term guest’s stay?

Bayley House staff are highly trained to provide active support. They meet clinical care and medical needs, while building capacity at the same time.  Bayley House staff span a wide diversity of cultures – including Indian, Kenyan, Congolese, Australian, Maltese, and Eastern European. The youngest staff member is 22, and the eldest 47.

There are many nursing qualifications among the team, and all staff spend a half day at hospital for training (such as manual handling). 

Activities Support staff design individualised plans for each guest. Overall, every team member is trained for the specific requirements of all guests’ individualised care needs.


Half-day staff training in a hospital.

How has Bayley House approached Albert’s capacity building?

The whole focus of how Bayley House has been designed is on capacity building. There is a shared cooking kitchen, navigating public transport, many social opportunities and access to activities like art. The overall goal for many guests is to get ready for independent living and ‘reduce’ the need for supports.

Capacity building is encouraged through individualised engagement and positive living experiences. Staff are trained to offer guests steps towards capacity building – from the micro to the macro level. 

One of the biggest capacity building strategies for Albert is using his likes and loves as a motivator to do the things he doesn’t enjoy. 

For Albert, he doesn’t love washing his hair, but is capable of it. So, staff always offer him opportunities to participate in the process as much as he is willing to. He doesn’t always enjoy brushing his teeth either, so staff will offer him choices like brushing teeth or just using mouthwash that time. 

Albert loves his pet cat, which can come for visits periodically. Seeing his cat is an important event that Albert looks forward to. It’s a key motivator for him to gain more independence, and staff use this as an incentive to encourage him to work towards his goals. 

Albert expresses choice, gives directions, and makes requests. He also can and will move his body on request. He often requests his favourite food, a Korean rice dish called congee.

About Bayley House accommodation options

The Lonsdale accommodation at Bayley House is designed to support independent living and facilitating friendship. MediStays were delighted to visit the property and experience its fully accessibility features, including hoists, as well as benches and sinks that move up and down. Lonsdale is ideal for those transitioning from a hospital stay or wanting to build capacity towards independent living.

Train stations and wheelchair accessible buses are very close to both Bayley House sites. Guests can utilise the Travellers Aid companion support service to navigate Melbourne public transport lines.

Bayley House currently has capacity for both STA and MTA referrals – contact us today.


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